Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Secret We Forgot

It’s not as though we wouldn’t know
If you gave us a test on it
If you asked us, really asked us, we’d tell you right
If we hushed up the horns and set down the clangs and listened
To the real Mother
We’d tell you the secret we forgot
We’d tell you that we do believe we’re made of stardust,
science says so
But this isn’t science.
If you sat on the dirt floor with us in our rondovel
if you shared a Black Label on a moonless night, we’d tell you
what we’ve known since the stars were young
ain’t no me without you
And ain’t no you without me, sisi.
It has to be all of us.
If you really needed to know, we’d put on some music
And dance the sema together
Hearts circling heaven
And we’d show you
all spinning whirl and whisper “learned theologians do not teach love.”
If you begged us, baking on that rickety table,
we’d untie the cloth strips from your hands and feet
And carry you down the mountain trail and tell you what he said
Being chosen isn’t easy, but what do we find in the binding?
And he was rooting for us, you see.
If you were dying to know, as if you didn’t already
We’d tell you shame got the best of the men that day
But the women persisted as they do
If you hadn’t done it where would we be?
Shadows crouching in shadowy rooms
And you loved anyway
And you smiled and said
It has to be all of us
If you asked us about doctrine we’d rush to find a few textbooks
(Liturgy requires another set of books.)
And if you pointed out all those fancy things got us was
Wars and blood
you’d be right and we’d know it.
It’s all horns and clangs we’d admit if you really stared us down
We’d gulp and stammer that books get dusty but people never do
An afterthought worth thinking, we’d say
A broken compass still marked with true North
It all came from the dark rooms and dusty tables and spinning dances and dirt floors.
If we put it all away and returned the gaze
we’d tell you the secret we forgot:
We can hear each other’s heartbeats
And when we do we know
It has to be all of us.

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